Plans to make Teddington Library's garden more accessible - have your say

By James Smith

27th Jun 2024 | Local News

Could the garden at Teddington Library be made more accessible? (Image by John S Turner)
Could the garden at Teddington Library be made more accessible? (Image by John S Turner)

Local views are sought on how to improve Teddington Library's garden.

Richmond AID working in partnership with Richmond Library Service has launched a public consultation asking how the "beautiful garden" can be made more accessible for library visitors including disabled people.

"Astoundingly, the library garden is currently inaccessible for disabled people and also people with prams and buggies," the survey said.

"Together we want to put this right."

It added: "And people with prams or buggies would have to lift them down a steep set of steps."

Now the two groups have put together a series of ideas to improve the outdoor space.

They would like to:

  • Replace the old wooden fence between Richmond AID and the library with a wider more accessible gate.
  • Create a one metre wide pathway to a paved area in the garden
  • Create a ramp from the back of the library into the library garden and which also leads to a paved area.
  • Create a pathway around the garden or a pathway to different areas within the garden

And now they are asking locals to feed back on the ideas online, by Tuesday 23 July 2024.

See the consultation here.

(Header image by John S Turner via


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