A Long-Lost Italian Portrait Miniature from Horace Walpole’s Miniature Cabinet, a talk with Adriana Concin from the V&A
Strawberry Hill House
UNTIL Wednesday 12th February

Wednesday 12 February, Doors open 6.45pm for a glass of fizz, talk 7pm-8pm
Walpole owned three portraits of Bianca Cappello, and in 2024, one of these—a long-lost highlight of his collection, missing since 1842—has resurfaced serendipitously. The talk traces the miniature's journey: from Walpole's acquisition, its display in the celebrated miniature cabinet at Strawberry Hill, to its rediscovery in the present day. Particular attention is given to the sitter's identity and the work's attribution, initially ascribed by Walpole to Agnolo Bronzino (1503–1572) but now identified as the work of Lavinia Fontana (1552–1614). Talk at Strawberry Hill House, from Adriana Concin, Assistant Curator of Paintings and Drawings at the V&A. Tickets £15