Introduction to Whittling – Evening Workshop
Landmark Arts Centre, Ferry Road, Teddington, TW11 9NN
Arts & Crafts
Thursday 20th March

Whittling is the art of carving shapes into freshly felled (green) wood. The process can produce various items such as figures, utensils, and decorative sculptures, but it is equally valued for its meditative and relaxing nature. This two-hour introductory workshop is designed to teach the basic techniques of whittling and carving with green wood, promoting both creativity and mental wellbeing.
Using a knife and axe (provided), participants will learn safe working practices and the fundamental skills to transform a log or branch into a carved piece. The session will cover splitting and shaping wood with an axe before refining the shape using a whittling knife.
Times: 7-9pm
Course Fee: £45
Online Booking: