Campaign to stop discrimination against renters in Richmond upon Thames

Efforts by Citizens Advice to stop landlords and estate agents illegally discriminating against people on benefits are being backed by Richmond Council.
Every year large numbers of residents are unfairly locked out of the private rental market simply because they receive some benefits to pay towards their housing costs.
And it is feared the discrimination forces many to remain in unsuitable and unsafe accommodation and can lead to homelessness.
Research by Citizens Advice Richmond shows that many landlords and letting agents refuse to consider tenants as soon as they discover that they receive benefits.
It is illegal to discriminate in this way, however residents are often confronted with a blanket 'No DSS' (Department for Social Security), 'No Universal Credit', or 'No Benefits' policy.

There is also evidence that some have taken a decision to refuse to accept refugees from Ukraine.
A joint campaign to End Benefit Prejudice against renters has been launched by Citizens Advice and backed by the Council.
Chief Executive of Citizens Advice Richmond, Lorna Reid, said: "We know that long-standing myths about tenants receiving benefits are standing in the way of Richmond residents accessing the homes they need and can afford.
"We are calling on landlords and their letting agents to keep an open mind and treat all prospective renters fairly."
She added: "Too many local people come to us unaware that the barriers they face finding a safe and suitable home are discriminatory and unlawful. This campaign will share stories of good tenants, with regular, reliable income who can afford the rent being asked and will pay on time and show landlords there is no reason to discriminate."
The Council's spokesperson for Housing, Cllr Jim Millard, said: "All residents need fair and equal opportunities to rent local homes and should not be excluded simply because they receive some form of benefits.
"We are calling on landlords to assess tenants' ability to pay as fairly as possible and to avoid discriminating against them."
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