Teddington: landlords asked to provide housing for Afghan refugees as part of UK scheme

Richmond Council is asking landlords in the borough to help provide housing for Afghan refugees.
In a new page on its website, the Council says it is looking for private landlords who could provide a secure and safe home for refugees resettling in London.
In return, the housing providers will receive a landlord's premium, a brokerage service and funding for decorating and furnishing properties.
These landlords "will also be assured of long term and secure tenants," the Council says.
Funding for this comes from the government's refugee resettlement scheme which gives councils across the UK access to a share of £5 million to help refugees with housing and healthcare.
The Council requires properties that meet the following government criteria:
- Within the borough of Richmond upon Thames
- A self-contained home- Have at least two bedrooms (ideally three/four)
- Fully furnished- Available for private letting and as a landlord you will accept rent at local housing allowance rates
- Can be let on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy for at least 12 months These requirements are designed to ensure families have the security and space they need. The Council will offer in return:- One month's rent in advance
- Incentive payment- Tenancy agreement
The family will be provided with one to one support To express interest in providing homes for refugees, call the Council's temporary accommodation team on 020 8871 7333 or email [email protected]How Teddington residents can help
A number of charities are still working in Afghanistan despite the military action of the last view weeks. Richmond Council has released a list of four causes that residents can donate to which will help people still in Afghanistan. These include International Rescue, the British Red Cross, Afghan Aid and Women For Women International. Teddington residents can also donate medical supplies, toys, books and games to a local appeal this week.Council leader's statement
Last week Richmond Council leader Gareth Roberts issued the following statement on Afghanistan. He pledged support on behalf of the Council for the incoming refugees and gave his thoughts on the continuing unrest and conflict in the country. He said: "What is happening in Afghanistan is both shocking and heartbreaking. "My first thoughts are with the Afghan people who being forced to flee their homes, but also with those members of our communities who have loved ones in Afghanistan and will be concerned about their whereabouts and safety. "This Council has always done everything in its power to welcome refugees to Richmond upon Thames, support their settlement in the UK and enable their integration into local communities, most recently with the settlement of Syrian families between 2016-19. "Settlement of refugees in appropriate communities with appropriate support is complex and is rightly being coordinated at a national level. "We are currently awaiting guidance from the Government in terms of refugees arriving from Afghanistan and will support that scheme once details are finalised. "There are plenty of ways people in our borough can help. We are urging any private landlords to get in touch if they would like to offer their property to rent to refugees and we have lots of links available for individuals who would like to offer financial support or find out more about supporting refugees in the UK."
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