Full swing at Fulwell Golf Club

Fulwell Golf Club reopened today (wed) with a strict set of rules and a strong warning that if the guidelines are ignored the course may have to close again.
A Practical Guide to Golf at Fulwell Golf Club during COVID-19
This practical guide outlines the measures Fulwell Golf Club have implemented to safeguard our staff and members following the reopening of the club on Wednesday 13th May.
The golf course will be available to members from 8:30am weekdays and 8am at the weekends with the gates being locked at 9pm each day.
Our measures and procedures are under constant review, updated as advice from Government, health authorities and governing bodies evolves.
We expect to open in a phased fashion with a gradual relaxation of restrictions over the months ahead.
This is the first phase where you will only be allowed to play as a single or as a two-ball.
Everyone coming to the club must follow these guidelines and maintain social distancing at all times.
Failure to follow these guidelines could mean that the course will have to close and so anyone not adhering to the guidelines will be asked to leave the course and may face suspension.
Phase 1
- Course Access Access to the course will be limited to our staff, club members, members' guests, and local residents in line with our club lease.
To access the course, a player must:
* Be an active member, or an invited member guest
* Not be self-isolating or deemed at high risk * Not be displaying COVID-19 symptoms* Have a pre-reserved tee time
No other access will be permitted in Phase 1.
- Booking & Arrival
* Observe social distancing always and resist the temptation to mingle
* Arrive at the course no more than 15 minutes prior to your reserved tee time* Booking a tee time in advance is compulsory – via website, app, or phone
* Players cannot play on consecutive days to allow for all members to have access to the course during an expected busy period. This may change as demand settles down* Payment for non-members must be made when booking
* All golfers should be made aware of our measures prior to their visit* Golfers should travel to the club alone, or with a member of the same household
* Ensure you leave plenty of space around your vehicle when parking* Arrive in golf attire and change footwear in the car
- Check-in and Pro Shop Protocol
- You must check in at the Pro Shop when you arrive
- Only one person at a time permitted inside the Pro-Shop
- When queuing outside there are clear two metre markers
- There is also a two-metre exclusion zone at the service desk
- Card payment only are accepted - no cash
- No scorecards available
- Only social golf is allowed - no competitive golf
- Facilities
- The clubhouse will remain closed with no access
- Pro Shop, trolley shed and toilet will be open
- All practice facilities are closed including putting green, driving range, chipping areas and practice nets.
- Locker rooms, restaurant, function rooms and bar are closed
- Sanitised trollies and buggies are available for hire, single person use only
- Players must provide their own golf clubs, hire sets will not be available
- To the first tee
- Groups are restricted to one-balls or two-balls
- Arrive at the 1st tee no more than 5 minutes prior to the reserved tee time
- Social spacing signage identifies the 1st tee waiting area
- Tee off times are to be strictly observed
- Divot bags have been removed from circulation
- On the Course
- Social distancing must be observed throughout - particularly on tees and greens
- Rubbish bins and divot bins have been removed
- Ball washers have been removed or covered over
- Bunker rakes have been removed. Players should smooth sand with feet
- Flagsticks to remain in the hole and must not be touched
- Drinking fountains have been turned off
- Hole cups inverted for simple, contact-free ball retrieval
- Do not double back to play again if a ball is lost, unplayable, or in a penalty area
- Equipment, food, and drink must not be exchanged between players * Players must not pick up another player's equipment or golf ball * Players must refrain from handshakes and high fives
- All golfers must walk in from the course 30 minutes prior to sunset
- Getting Home Safely
- Post-round, players must return straight to their cars
- Hands may be washed and sanitised in the outside toilet
- A staff member will be on-site until 30 minutes past sunset
- Ensure clubs and equipment are cleaned thoroughly after use at home
- Players must call or email the golf club with any post-round health issues or COVID-19 related queries, at the earliest possible opportunity
- Ensuring the safety of our staff
Pro Shop Team The Pro Shop team will manage all customer facing aspects of play on the golf course for the club. The extensive measures ensure their safety, along with club members, guests and visitors.
- One staff member will be present in the Pro Shop at any one time
- Staff have been trained in the importance of hand hygiene and cough etiquette
- Hand sanitiser and cleaning solutions will be provided at the counter
- Staff will always remain at least two metres from customers
- Service desk protection screens have been installed
- All work areas and contact points will be cleaned and sanitised regularly
Greenstaff Team:
Greenstaff are isolated on the course for much of the time, with steps being taken to minimise the risk of cross contamination during their shift.
- Staggered start and break times will avoid social gathering
- Morning briefings have been postponed. The Course Manager will add work jobs which will be displayed on their TV screen
- Hand sanitisers have been provided for regular use
- Disposable protective gloves have been supplied
- Utility vehicles are limited to single person use
- Staff will avoid social gathering in the compound and canteen
- Machinery fully washed after use, including disinfecting controls
- When at the club please do not approach green staff on or off the course
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