Deadline is close for objections over Strathmore centre site, Teddington

Local residents have less than a week left to raise any objections to the proposed 30-home residential development at the Strathmore Centre site in Teddington. The deadline for submissions is next Tuesday. A final decision will be made in August.
The development proposes:
"Demolition of all existing buildings; erection of two 3-storey buildings comprising 30 residential dwellings in total (6 x1 bedroom, 17 x 2 bedroom & 7 x 3 bedroom); erection of single storey nursery building (294 sqm in total) alterations to existing access road and formation of 36 no. car parking spaces at grade; landscaping including communal amenity space and ecological enhancement area; secure cycle and refuse storage structures."
A petition against the development has been signed by local residents with a letter outlining the reasons for the objections.
Here is part of the letter:
First and foremost, I hope this letter finds you and your families safe and well in these extraordinary times. It feels strange to be focusing on something so relatively small when thinking about a Global pandemic, however we feel it is important to highlight the proposed plans for our local area as the council is proceeding with its planning processes as normal.
It has come to our attention that not all households in the immediate area have received information regarding the proposed plans for the Strathmore Centre site which we believe will impact us all in some way.
Please do take the time to have a look at the plans. Individual representations to the council in either support or objection to the plans can be made on the portal or by emailing them directly. All comments must be received by 19th May 2020.
As residents of Strathmore Road, Shacklegate Lane and Stanley Road, we have serious concerns with the proposed plans which will affect us individually in different ways, however our shared and primary concern is with the Adequacy of parking/ loading/ turning, Highway safety and Traffic generation.
We believe the development of the site for such a large volume of additional housing will increase pressure on local infrastructure to an unacceptable level, affecting our roads, parking and pavements. As you will already know traffic at peak times regularly results in traffic jams and blockages of our roads.
Parking/turning places are inadequate at all times, further compounded by the close proximity of Stanley School, Scamps and Fulwell train station.
Cars from non-residents consistently park in the roads surrounding Stanley school and Fulwell station, on yellow lines, pavements and over driveways.
The Council's own parking attendants regularly issue fines and move cars, but this does little to stop the problem. The roads have become unsafe for road users and pedestrians especially the large number of children using the pavements and crossing the roads on their way to and from school each day.
We believe more traffic from an increased local population, and less parking provision for the school and Scamps will worsen this already dangerous situation.
Strathmore Road, Shacklegate Lane and Stanley Road are in poor condition, and we are sure many other roads in the area suffer from similar issues with potholes and minimal maintenance.
We are concerned that with additional traffic from both the physical development of the site and then increased residents, this will only get worse.
The plans significantly reduce the amount of available space for Scamps and school car parking and it is not adequate. We believe this will result in increased traffic, congestion and disruption to all roads in the local area with people trying to park elsewhere.
Scamps is at risk due to the plans, which if approved may result in this local charity which provides such value to our community, being unable to operate in its current form for local families.
Other concerns include:
Noise and disturbanceImpact on current sewage system and amenities
Layout and density of buildingLoss of trees
Design, appearance and materialsOvershadowing/loss of light/overlooking/loss of privacy.
We are voicing our concerns individually and coming together as a community where we believe the plan will impact us all. If you would like to support an objection you can help in the following ways:
Submit an individual objection on the planning portal
Sign our residents petition here
Continue to raise awareness of the issues with local residents
We think we have a great community and neighbourhood and would like to preserve this as a safe and pleasant place for us all to live.
Thank you for your support and we hope you stay safe.
Yours sincerely, Residents of Strathmore Road
Pettion here
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