Christmas Bazaar
St Mary's Parish Hall
UNTIL Saturday 27th November

Come along! We are so excited to have this much loved event return, and look forward to seeing you at St Mary's Parish Hall on Saturday 27 November at 11am-2.30pm. For the children we have Santa's Grottos, crafts, tombola and games. As well as books, homemade gifts, cakes & preserves and our gorgeous hog roast & mulled wine for all the family.
Please keep the donations coming, as this brilliant event relies entirely on your donations - we would love to receive good quality books and raffle prizes: big or small. And if you would like to bake for our event, please bring your homemade goodies along to the hall on Friday afternoon (2-4.30pm) or on the day itself, anytime from 10.30am. Other donations can be left at the back of church, Mon-Sat, 9am-5pm. Thank you