Drawing Mandalas Online Workshop
UNTIL Wednesday 1st December

Why not give yourself some relaxing, much deserved me-time?
This online class will show you step by step how to create your own beautiful hand-drawn mandala.
During the workshop you will learn about the history of mandalas, focusing on the meditative and relaxing aspects of creating your artwork. No prior experience of drawing is necessary and as you start to create, you will gain ever more confidence in your techniques.
Before the class, each student will be given instructions on how to prepare a simple A4 template, so that you can produce your own masterpiece during the session. You will also be mailed a workbook with the history and examples of mandalas, together with templates to copy and take inspiration from. All you will need for the workshop are a ruler, pencil, pen, rubber and ideally a compass (though this isn't essential).
The workshop will be led by Ann O'Shaughnessy, a local practising artist based in Teddington.
For an additional £10 per person, why not share the class with someone else in your household or support bubble? You can add up to 2 additional people per workshop place, as long as you're all on the same device.
We're also happy to run the workshop as a bespoke online event, for an alternative celebration with friends or colleagues, and have already held lots of successful sessions with WI groups and companies around the country! Please mail us on [email protected] for more details.
"wonderful workshop, a must try!"
"such a relaxing and satisfying workshop. I would definitely recommend it to others"