Teddington Choral Society Summer Concert: "Feel the Spirit - Music of Modern America"
Landmark Arts Centre, TW11 9NN
UNTIL Saturday 9th July

Teddington Choral Society and its Music Director, Julian Collings, are delighted to announce their forthcoming concert "Feel the Spirit - Music of Modern America" on July 9th at the Landmark Arts Centre, Teddington.
The concert will feature a large panoplie of 20th century American composers from Philip Glass to Leonard Bernstein, from Randall Thompson to Rosephayne Powell and many more.
The concert will allow the choir to perform different musical genres: Gospel, A cappella Chorus… The choir will be joined by the mezzo-soprano Judy Louie Brown who will delight us with her engaging and dynamic singing. As usual, TCS will be accompanied by its talented pianist Phil Culling.The evening promises to be a thrilling and entertaining evening of music!
Tickets cost £15 (under 16s free) available here:
https://landmarkartscentre.ticketsolve.com/shows/1173623731Landmark Box Office: 020 8977 7558