Unpaid carers in Teddington now eligible to book COVID-19 vaccine

Unpaid carers across the Richmond upon Thames could be eligible for the Coronavirus vaccine as part of the ongoing vaccination programme.
Under priority group six which is currently rolling out, unpaid carers of family members and friends who receive carers allowance are eligible for the vaccine.
It also applies to those who are the sole or primary carer for someone elderly or with a disability who are at an increased risk and considered clinically vulnerable.
Unpaid carers will need their NHS number and their date of birth and then either phone 119 or visit the National Booking Service online.
They will then be asked if they are an unpaid carer and then need to answer some screening questions to determine their eligibility (nature of caring role and whether person they are caring for is vulnerable).
Once they clear the screening questions, they can book their vaccine.
Cllr Piers Allen, Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health and Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Board, said:
"Unpaid carers are incredibly valuable within our borough and I am delighted they are now being invited to come forward and have their vaccine, giving them the reassurance to continue to care for their loved ones or friends, knowing they are protected from the virus.
"We estimate that there are around 18,000 local people who provide unpaid carer to loved ones, and it is vitally important that they have access to the vaccine.
"We've had a fantastic take up of the vaccine so far and as always I would appeal to everyone to come forward and be vaccinated when invited."
The NHS are also keen to identify carers who are not yet registered or known to their GP practice.
Therefore, unpaid carers are highly recommended to make sure that their GP is aware and also to consider going through the Council's carer's assessment process (which begins with a simple online self-assessment) and to register with the Richmond upon Thames Carer's Hub Service HERE