Get behind the ‘Polite Bell’ – borough cycling advocate promotes safety innovation

By Rory Poulter

24th Apr 2023 | Local News

Polite Bell – (Credit Bori Kiss. Visualisation by Peter Eszenyi @eszenyip)
Polite Bell – (Credit Bori Kiss. Visualisation by Peter Eszenyi @eszenyip)

A local cycling advocate has come up with an innovative idea to combat the tension between those on two wheels and others.

Routinely, drivers, pedestrians and cyclists find themselves at odds in what has become a daily – and sometimes dangerous - battle for road space.

The same can be true on the area's towpaths where cyclists and walkers endeavour to share what can be quite narrow spaces.

On the roads, drivers stuck in jams have become resentful of those on two wheels who are able to speed past the queues, which can lead to deliberately intimidating and aggressive passes.

At the same time, cyclists cause animosity by pushing through red lights, which puts pedestrians and others at risk.

While those walking on pavements and crossings have created dangers because their heads are often buried in their smart phones, which means they fail to notice bikes.

Cycling advocate Bori Kiss.

The 'Polite Bell' is the idea of Bori Kiss, from East Sheen, who is a keen cyclist and cargo bike user. It is being featured in the Bicycle Innovation Lab 2023, which is being held in Amsterdam, and people are being asked to vote for ideas they think could be most useful.

Bori said: "Cycling in busy cities such as Amsterdam can be dangerous for cyclists, even when they are using bike lanes or pedestrianised streets.

"There is the risk of other cyclists and pedestrians moving into the path of a cyclist, and causing a collision. A bell may alert others of oncoming traffic, but ringing your bell can sometimes be perceived as aggressive and scare others.

"Shouting has the same disadvantages, and not everyone can understand it.

"The solution is The Polite Bell, a bicycle bell that combines a traditional ringing bell with a spoken message, such as "Excuse me!" that can be heard from 25 metres away.

"The Polite Bell can be used to alert other road users of the cyclists' presence without alarming them, and can be set to quieter or louder, for cycling on shared paths. The Polite Bell thus helps the safe mixing of cycling and pedestrian traffic on shared routes."

Richmond Coordinator for London Cycling Campaign, Tim Lennon, described the polite bell as a lovely idea and has urged residents to vote to back it.

* If you want to find out more and support the innovation click here -

Voting closes on April 30.


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