Kindred Business Networking
Posted: Wednesday, 21st October 2020 7:57 am

Kindred Business Networking is a support & growth collective originally launched in South West London and also digitally online because of Lockdown in UK . We are a fresh, group of inspired business owners, entrepreneurs, sole traders, start-ups & freelancers who appreciate the power of regular networking for personal & business growth.
Kindred networking gives people a safe place to present their products or services to a great collective of engaged, supportive and connected individuals. There are no lock out clauses.
This is a place where we celebrate diversity and what we have in common- growing our businesses. We share best practise, knowledge, recommendations for our businesses to grow and flourish with integrity, humour, and a collaborative spirit.
If you are a local business owner and want to grow your network then join one of our events , we meet every Thursday digitally via zoom or from November we will be in person for brunch club event.