Teddington Window Cleaners
Posted: Thursday, 30th April 2020 4:55 pm

During these strange times, sometimes all we can do is look out of our windows!
I have spoken directly with the council regarding working in these times and the guidelines are, as long as social distancing rules are maintained it is safe and encouraged for window cleaners to continue working.
I am currently available in the Teddington area to clean windows.
Quotes can be given with ease as windows can be inspected while maintaining correct social distancing rules.
If you already have a window cleaner and you are thinking of looking at another supplier. We will beat current rate offered from your provider by 50%
This offer is for business and residential properties within the Teddington community.
#teddingtonwindowcleaners #TWC #staysafe #introductoryoffer #teddington
Note: any work carried out will be in compliance with government guidelines in regards covid-19.